
药草分享:白花蛇舌草 Herb Share: Hedyotis diffusa Willd

性味功能 : 清热解毒,利尿消肿,活血止痛。
主治用法 : 恶性肿瘤,阑尾炎,肝炎,泌尿系感染,支气管炎,扁桃体炎,喉炎,跌打损伤;外用治疮疖痈肿,毒蛇咬伤。用量:15- 60克。外用适量,鲜品捣烂敷患处。
Function of taste Detoxification, diuretic swelling to wear。

Indications Usage: cancer, appendicitis, hepatitis, urinary tract infection, bronchitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, bruises; externalfuruncle carbuncle swollen boils, snake bites. Dosage: 15 - 60 grams. External use, fresh goods, mash and apply the affected area.

这是自家种的白花蛇舌草,每次看见生很多我就采下晒干收进雪柜想煲时就有了,或回家时拿给妈妈。将它采下直接洗清洁后加点黑糖,水一起煲便可。前几天煮忘了拍照。This is a home-grown Hedyotis diffusa Willd, when i see a lots i will  dried it .after that i keep in refrigerator. i will give my mom when i back my  hometown .or you can wash it directly add a little brown sugar after cleaning, can burn with water.i forgot take pictures a few days before cooking.

After dried like this way. 
I was a kid, my parents are  farmers. Mom always cook  this for  us, Mom always said drink willdetoxify, Peas will be a few less.when  I take back ,my mother happy and to cook for everyone to drink.

