
芋头饭 yan rice

外面买不到的芋头饭噢。can not buy this rice at  outside
材料:芋头切粒,蒜头泥。葱头仔切片爆香,瘦肉,香菇切丝, 虾米。Ingredients: diced yan, garlic mud. Until fragrant shallots sliced​​, lean meat, shredded mushrooms, dried shrimp.
做法:将芋头粒爆香捞起;将蒜泥炒香加入瘦肉,香菇炒香加入调味料有蚝油,黑酱油,胡椒粉, 盐炒一会就可加入芋头和米在炒一炒便可到进饭锅加水如平常煲饭一样便可。
Method: yan put into wok fry until fragrant  picked up; to add lean meat, saute garlic, mushrooms and seasonings with oyster sauce, dark soy sauce, pepper, salt and added for a fried yan  and rice to the frying Add water like normally cook the rice  into the rice cooker rice cooker as usual as can be.
If you do not like yan can change long beans.as you like .

